Spyware Removal

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Spyware, The #1 Threat

Dangers of Spyware Infection

The most malicious spyware, adware, keyloggers, and Trojans can be far more destructive and annoying than computer viruses.

  What Spyware Can Do To You
     Harvest personal and private information including passwords, social security numbers, and other sensitive and confidential data used to access your bank and/or credit card accounts
     Track web sites you visit for use by relentless marketers who bombard you with irritating spam and pop-ups
     Record your keystrokes for use by deviant thieves to steal your identity
     And much more

What Spyware Can Do To Your Computer
    Corrupt critical system files and trigger your computer to crash repeatedly
    Drain bandwidth causing your computer to crawl, ruining your Internet browsing experience
   Bloat your memory and system resources preventing you from accessing programs, e-mail, or the Internet
   And much more

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Removing Spyware

Internet : Security

Fight back against spyware

You probably know by now that using a computer can be hazardous to your privacy, especially if you use your system online. But your privacy can be compromised even if you never link to a network. Sure, websites track your browsing habits with ads, cookies and web bugs, and they sell your personal information to marketers. Also, spyware and adware install on your PC by piggy-backing onto file-sharing utilities and other free software downloads.

While testing various antispyware utilities  last September, I discovered that two otherwise top-notch spy catchers,Lavasofts Ad-aware and PepiMK Software Spybot Search & Destroy, weren' particularly good at finding the keyloggers that I had running in stealth mode on my test PC. Two other programs PestPatrols PestPatrol and Webroots Spy Sweeper were better, but still hit-or-miss. 
While most of those programs  both the keyloggers and the antispyware utilities have been updated since my tests, one thing is undoubtedly still true: the more anti-spy tools you employ, the better your chances of detecting a stealth keylogger. Everyone who connects to the internet should install and use both Ad-aware and Spybot as a matter of course. To do a more thorough scan, add PestPatrol and Spy Sweeper to your counter-espionage arsenal. Both programs are available in trial versions


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